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QUICK PICKS: How to Choose the Best Race Day Shoe for You (Saucony)

With so many options before you, how do you decide which shoe is right for you? We’ve put together a few tips for technical guidance, with help from Saucony Ambassador Lecia Mancini for some tried and true advice.

3 ways to combine running and a good cause!

women in pink shirts running in quebec city
We all know jogging is an amazing sport, but how about taking this activity to the next level? While jogging is usually a solo sport, it can also turn into a social activity that can help you give back to your community. Here are some ideas to shake up your routine, while making your jogging… View Article

Exciting new changes for 2018; registration opens next week

Registration officially opens Monday, November 20 for runners and walkers from near and far to sign up for any of the five running events on the 2018 Je Cours Qc race calendar. Big news for 2018: the SSQ Quebec City Marathon is moving to the weekend of October 12–14 to wrap up the season in… View Article

10 Canadian runners to follow on social media

1. Gary Robbins Trail running enthusiasts can fill their shoes with inspiration by following this bearded outdoor enthusiast based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Endurance runner Gary Robbins treats his followers to spectacular scenes of Western Canada, from snow-capped Rockies to lush green forests. This is the kind of stuff to spur any runner into pulling… View Article
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